within this 2 years survey, i've seen the pelamin rangka has evolved to so many types. from the wrought iron kerawang then to blok kayu....then some invented pokok2 like sueanne's pelamin, then came the bantal with button type..and now presenting you...transparent block...hehe...

love the phalaenopsis on top..but the artificial pun mahal...*sigh*
p/s : this evening is first fitting of my baju nikah...
cantiknya sis!! they have this dekat khareyan je ke?
cantik sangat pelamin yg atas tuuu.. so simple but very nice.. i loved it :))
im sure haidar rahman will do sumthing unexpected kat wedding u..insyallah... :)
been reading ur blog.
mmg cantik pelamin2 tu. cantik sgt. best kalo boleh buat mcm tu for my wedding! =)
yup, very beautiful indeed..!
dear, I've linked ur blog to mine..care to exchange link, if u don't mind? =)
hi sis, if u dun mind could u pls add my blog up for eastern wedding photographer?
hehe tq
walllahh! transparent! menarik dan tertarik... :P
wallahhh! gorjessnya ..
Mmm, nice..really nice! Kalau time i kawin dulu ada pelamin mcm nie, dah lama i suruh Kak Haidar buatkan.. hihihi..
cantek gile pelamin yg 1st tu ok??
oh dah pegi fitting baju? nak tgk!! hehehe =p
dear, nice one! :) fitting baju nikah dah..? good for you! i just had mine last friday. tak siap 100% pun lg. :l
anyway, have you got my card...?
niceee pelaminnnn .... cute sib baik da kawin hihihihi ..
chantek + creative = Teringin nk buat mcm tu nt hehehe!!! :)
wow! nice + chantek gilos...
nahwal, so far nampak kat khareyan je =) if demand tinggi & price to tempah rangka ni pun ok, later sure ada vendor lain yg boleh provide, mcm demand white panel tu hehehe! if less demand, vendor selalu sewa je from original provider (e.g. pokok from din@razak flora)..
riena, mmg cantik. but if u tgk original pic kat blog khareyan, since pelamin tu 1 panel, nampak too small for stage yang besa gile tu hehe..
amy, cost dah banyak offset kat transport..my backdrop pakai tirai biasa je yang..takde structure canggih2 ni hehe =)
mrs lune, jgn lupa ask your decorator to balut the pelamin stage sekali..hehe..
womanly me, i dah link u up =)
kaseh nazlieza, try lah for your client =) if price is right, sure ramai yang nak nanti hehe
xjukie, dah link ;) eastern b2bs nanti sila kasi diskaun hehe..
alena, menarik tapi selalu tgk pic wedding with pelamin tiang2, mcm ada limitation..guest seboleh2 nak squeeze in between tiang2 tu kan hehe!
suerin, gorgeous & lain dari yang lain kan :D
kan amie..if u dah buat senanglah future client nak je u can sewa from kak aida kan hehe!
piejah..the baju turned out fancy sikit for nikah ;) next week baru siap embellish hehehe..!
mira, i baru dpt ur card & my fren so inspired by yours..handy & practical! your dress tinggal sikit je lg kan nak touch up..insyaAllah will fit u well dear :)
sha, your bertandang belum habis.. nak recommend pun dah last minit sgt kan hehehe..all the best sha next weekend :D
alma, magic hands do wonders..1st pic tu if u notice pakai cheap pompom je hehe..
relyza..yang bestnye pelamin ni tak perlu lavish deco of flowers kan.. :)
bape la gak nyer rate pelamin ni..
sbetul kalo demand tinggi sure ramai vendor boleh buat mcm ni
waahhh!! siyes x prnh tgk..but..mmg rase less demand.. tp kalau dh byk demand...sewa aje kan... maybe pricey kot.. huaahh..kawen lg skali siok ni...bahaha
i cover one of this pelamin maker's client last week, mmg nak tanya tapi terlupa, u mmg rock la! simple yet beautiful kan
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