ibu called to inform my makcik now planning to do me a mini berinai...i know ibu wasn't so keen, she's just respecting request from the elders. i love the one with light ukiran cos they look very pretty in pictures, but abah had earlier warned me only simple inai is allowed..so had to toss all my dream to have nice henna drawn to my hands.
my idea of mini berinai is only wearing the inai, kan? or is there anything else i should expect during berinai? hopefully the aunties wont request the tukar2 baju cos i'm not really into it..
i request the berinai to be on friday, 2 days before my nikah. becos i know a day before event sure pengantin busy dgn mcm2 last minute tasks & i better reserve that day for quick touch up of my inai je :)
my makciks will prepare inai tumbuk but i doubt the color is dark enough...i'll backup with inai picit, hmm wondering how many bungkus to buy? selain salotape & minyak cap kapak, anything else i should prepare?
pic credit to greenapple
wlt - i had my inai done last minute, the night before the akad~!! using inai tumbuk n the color mmg la tak gelap, very light..i had it done at my aunty's place and afterwards balik rumah dgn inai2 semua di tangan n kaki...huhuhu...sampai je rumah, my stepmum touch up with inai picit tue, the color mmg dark n naik...from my exp, yg inai tumbuk tue lagi long lasting, yg picit nieh, 3 weeks dah hilang...yg tumbuk, sampai sekarang lagi ada at my jarissss...huhu have fun babe~!! jgn tension2 yea.. ;)
oh, 1st time i dgr minyak kapak is part of it... why & when do we use it for inai?
jgn lupa gambir pun penting tau. campur ngan nasik sikit. lepas dah inai patutnya pakai myk kapak tapi i pakai baby oil je. my inai still merah menyala sampai skrg nih ^-^
antara petua saya pernah dengar, kalau nk kasi warna inai naik,masukkan sikit pewarna merah (pewarna makanan) dan limau nipis nye perahan. tapi tak tau la amount byk mana. tapi apa2 pun, the best tip saya pernah dengar, jgn apply last minit sangat, takut inai tak jadi dan tak sempat nak repair.
soalan i qis dah tny...minyak kapak tu nak wat apa?..pakai pas inai ek fasha?..camne dear?
me too..ayah dh pesan just simple inai. no lukis2...
betul betul! inai tumbuk kekal lama. my friend sampai dh preganant 3 month pun still ade kesan2 inai di jari. i slalu tgk my auntie buat mesti campur nasik ckit mcm fuchsia.
dear, its best if u cud find inai mekah.. thants the best inai and the colour sangat even. untuk yang picit, if utk draw 2 pack cukup. but if nk pakai kat ujung jari sekali, i guess around 5.. yg tumbuk pun ok, dia mcm inai mekah jugak colour dia.
let the inai dry sendiri. then tanggalkan. do not wash imediately. tunggu kering semua, baru cuci and put limau nipis.. minyak kapak mybe u can use before pakai. but i dont like that as dia akan merebakkan inai. pki after would be just fine.
lepas tuh dah kenot buat keje2 berat, esp basuh2 pinggan tau.. nanti inai kurang heee.. sbb tuh pengantin kena pakai inai..
owhh, btw. cara bancuh inai, either tumbuk or mekah,
bancuh with air teh. air suam tuang kat uncang teh. (noneed gule kang semut gigit jari plak heee) i selalu letak one or two uncang, with air yg very minimal. pastuh perah limau. ade gak my aunty letak asam keping. then apply..
wlt-i used inai tumbuk for my wedding.. mmg thn lama 4bulan x luntur colour.. i pki 2mlm sblm majlis(klo akad sabtu pki kamis mlm) sbb klo 1mlm mmg kurang gelap..i tumbuk sndiri pki 1 mlm bgkus dgn plastik,than tdo..smpi kecut tgn sok pgi bgn..hehe.. klo nk merah cari serbuk gambir(ada kat kedai aci),dgn serbuk teh yg halus..ltk je bp byk suke..hihi.. then tmbk sekali..++nasi tu nk bg lekat..myk kapak lepas pki inai...can be try..
hye wlt, inai tumbuk + inai picit combination is better... inai tumbuk tak terang tp lasting merah.. inai picit is sangat sangat merah tapi will turn orangey towards the end..
owh, 1 box pun ckp kalau takat letak hujung jari je :)
i envy YOU! rasa nak kawin lagi skali je... hehe
i dgr my fren mix with sirap...merah dia cantik tau..
tho im into weddings,but i never heard of mini berinai.hehe..i know malam berinai yg tuka2 baju tu..tapi xde la pakai2 inai kan..
salam sume.
tips2 yg sgt bagus.. sye pon tgh mcari tips macam ne nak kasi inai merah n long lasting. If pkai inai pokok saje, sure oren saje kan.. so nid put xtra ingrediants..heheheh..
Gosh. I stumble upon ur blog. I enjoyed reading it without knowing whose blog was this until I saw ur engagement pic! How small the world can be? lol.
Posh! it's me...liyana aka ammo. lol. Hope u dont mind I used ur blog as reference too.
Two weeks more heh? Selamat pengantin baru. ^_^ Send my best regards to mubarak as well. Cheers!
nat, inai tumbuk tahan lama ye? yeay!! now i'm excitedddd :D
qis & harz, minyak ni after u dah tanggalkan inai. nak kasi inai color stay :D
thanks fuchsia, baby oil wangi sikit kan?! selamat pengantin baru awak :D
thanks xora! last day tu banyak keje..takut pengantin ni lupe touch up inai je hehehe
missF..secretly i still wish for inai lukis tu..hehe..
wow kak fathinz..generous inai tips! kak..dulu my friend recommend inai sudan..lps tgk..hitam gile rupanya their inai..terus cancel hihihi..
mmi..banyaknye item kena add, menyesal lambat research =(
princess.dHanie..1 box cukup tak cover groom's inai sekali?
flowerie, sirap? 1st time dengar hee ;D
diah..ade tau :) time mlm berinai besar siap the groom diinaikan by families hehe..now bride ramai dah berinai dulu before mlm berinai, esp yg buat after majlis nikah..senang nak posing2 kan hehehe!!
anonymous..i never know there so many tips rupanya...and bloggers pun sangat baik hati sharing their experience :D
thanx mmo! bile ur turn ;D p/s : byknye makeup tips kat blog ko hehe!
lol. my turn? tunggu~~~~ haha. Blog tu wat saje2 je dulu. boring2. haha. Hey. nnt jgn lupe update blog ni after the wedding tau. N post lotsa pics k. ^_^ cant wait! hehe
dear, gud luck with last min prep..:)
been following ur blog. arap ur wedding nti berjalan lancar ye =) dah add ur link into mine. lepas kawen truskan dengan blog ni ye. tapi citer pasal life after married pulak. hehehe. best baca. banyak source. selamat pengantin baru!
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