days before nikah
banyak last minute work to do. becos my MUA screwed up earlier, i had to last minute cari replacement & sadly yg ok in penang all fully booked that date :( no choice but to fly Lova to my place. few times jumpa pakcik catering to reconfirm package cos my cute parents tak faham sgt the items; underlayers, scallops, dome etc hehe - no choice. caterer last minute cant provide platform for my pelamin which took me dayss to get one later sbb time CNY ramai gile kawin :( only by jumaat baru dpt vendor & they pasang on saturday. we had some doa selamat on friday night & did the berinai prepared by my makciks. time berinai, one of his adik called me up - telling my hubby is a good brother to them, they love him so much & asked me to take a good care of their brother. honestly, i feel like crying...but everyone was keliling me so had to tahan my tears. only on saturday this bride managed to escape for 4hrs spa..yang lain duduk di rumah masukkan all telur favors dalam paper bag hehehe...
traffic during that long weekend made everything worst. my decorator, kak aida stucked dkt highway 7hrs. they only sampai by maghrib & baru nak start everything. not to mention some fresh flowers layu too sbb exposed too long dlm kereta :( nasib majorly my deco guna artificials..only my hantaran badly affected. that night, we had dinner prepared for his family & supposed the session is to berkenalan with his big families prior to majlis nikah. siap blackout lagi (teringat anil!) & the place pun messy sikit cos at same time kak aida & her team tgh prepare the deco...
btw, few days before got call from diah - so i let all my wed problems heard. thanks diah, it was truly comforting! :) on that very last night, the bride slept at 3 am! konon plan nak touch up my inai yang comot tu, argh dah penat..who cares if inai comot kan...
nikah day 14feb
alhamdulillah all vendors came early that morning, thanks to all of you! 8+am start makeup. wearing tudung with rambut tinggi was a bad decision afterall - dlm gambar very obvious the style didnt suit me. less than hr dh siap makeup. mostly commented my makeup not doing better for my complexion, still nampak all my jerawat & my face turned out gelap than my hand. but if u dont hv skin problem like me, lova is undoubtedly recommended - i suka lova shape my brow actually ;) and she in person very nice too :D
attire by syahrir nurdin, white chiffon kurung. to ensure the dress cost is kept to 3-digits, i asked syahrir to do lace patching & stone tu tampal2 je instead of expensive heavy beadwork. it turned out my personal fave for workmanship, compared to the rest my wed dresses. this weekend im bringing my veil to gath for renting, sebab tak boleh pakai dah kan :)
nikah event - everything went so quick...abah yang nikahkan us. honestly, i tak sempat nak feeling sebak right after akad cos i was waiting ustaz there to confirm my acceptance as a wife. apparently, in penang no such thing! ustaz didnt ask any to the fact i had nothing to sign on our nikah reg borang pun...weird.
btw i would suggest u check how's the maskahwin practice in your place. cos earlier we plan for 2 bankers checque for maskahwin & hantaran since they're equal amount & not so safe to travel all the way with cash. ustaz in my place insisted for cash no matter how big the amount - otherwise u have to lafaz "hutang...." in your akad and no-negotiable. takut ada yang sentap bila playback video nikah nanti kan hehehe...lucky we found this out earlier..
my aunty was coordinator bidan terjun that day...i brief her night before, of all things, just tlg ensure kan at least these 3 stuffs for my nikah :
- space utk bride nak lalu
- sejadah utk groom solat
- family kena berkumpul for photo session! - sebab time kenduri semua sibuk
alhamdulillah, she managed. right after sarung cincin, the cousins start distributing nikah gift (tasbih) to guests before they went for refreshment. me & hubby then continue with photo session until 12pm before sanding preparation..
basically below our flow & timing :
8am - makeup
9.30am - arrival groom & rombongan, susun hantaran
9.45am - arrival ustaz (pendaftar nikah)
10am - akad, groom solat, sarung cincin, family photo, gifts & refreshment
until 12pm - pengantin photo
and credit to vendors involved :
- attire : syahrir nurdin & kimie kjg
- deco & hantaran : haidar-rahman
- groom hantaran (blue) : sher design
- photo : saifulnang & hapip of CS
- video : nazzmedia
- kasut & bouquet : man kjg
- makeup : lova weddingku
- gift : poetry of flowers & tasbih (mydin)
i love the door gift WLT. and may i ask u where can i get the platform for nikah? cause I was thinking of DIY'ing my nikah dais. nothing fancy
me too..! simple favor yet so sweet and useful.
dear u pun amik lova gak ke? and seriously terkejut she took less hr to cpmplete ur makeup.. mine dulu agak lama not to mention to kusutkan rambut i sothat jadi tnggi. but kelrina lagi lama n puas hati.. but the rambut was not so long at the place heheh sbb dia mcm dh turun skit demi skit.. eh rambut u dia kusutkan atau pakai bun plsu? :)
oh suka doorgift kamu jugak.... :P
owh noo dear..i've booked lova 4 my wedding!i hope that she can turned me out with her good makeup skill.huhu..coz i've a problematic complexion n not that fair skin too!!what shud i do???
oh no, my wedding in july makeup by i'm quite worried...
btw i loove your baju.....hehhe...
tp lova ttp mekap awak cnthek...cunn.. style rmbot tnggi tu org yg biasa pakai tdung msti tau cmana fren hri2 pakai tudung rambut tinggi tu..msti x susah pakai sbnrnye kan..
ur favour sgt kiutt
sanggul tinggi tu kalau kecil sikit ok kot.
tp tu pun cantik..
time nikah, reception penang & bertandang - tiga2 mekap buat muka awak nampak lain.. =)
i love ur baju! =)
saya suke sgt baju awak!!!nk mana nk carik kain cam tuh?pelisssssssss...
u hv such a perfect wedding there! ai luv everytg to bits especially the favors!;)) congratss!!
you look stunning, a lavish deco, credit to haidar rahman, nice doorgift. can't wait to meet u this saturday..byk soklan nk interview nih
cantik la...suci jee tgkkkk....he3
erkk tetiba takut sbb i booked love for my wedd. haha.
yang, everything looks perfect. pasal tudung with bun tinggi tu i no komen sbb i pn free hair yg berangan nak pakai bun tinggi for nikah kang. haha. tgk org lain pakai cambest je. ;p
Oh sangat cantik kamu di hari nikah...suci murni mulie!sume pretty,u,baju,favors..congrats!
ikut my experience, only that pak imam shj yg conside banker's check as hutang. Other imam in penang or elsewhere so far tak ada masalah. Just need to explain to him just in case he don't exposed with the term of "Banker's check" tu ;)
Dear, Congrats!.
Mane u beli that cute blue tin? & how much was it? I've looking for something like that.
Thanks nahwal ;) platform yang I amik ni utk bwh canopy, jenis yang fix punya & request from brader catering. If simple platform utk mini pelamin, boleh je sewa from butik pengantin :)
Thanks ajjah :D sebab murah, so rembat je!
Alena, lova pakaikan I bun palsu je. Both your makeup lawalah, but mcm u cakap Kelrina punya nicer ;)
Hana, sorry if my entry freaked everyone out :( sue cantik my fave tu pun I penah tgk makeup dia yg didn’t turn out so well to my friends– but I still hired sue in the end sebab tak semua had bad experience kan. So jgn risau sgt kay – mintak lova concentrate sikit dekat your flaw tu je ;)
Sab! Your skin dah super flawless & everyone dapat demam lova sebab u – so u shud be the first to not worry at all psl lova okay hehehe!!
Betul Anil, yang pandai pakai sure menjadi je kan! Tulah, I dah reject idea rambut tinggi ni..tapi semua like convince me ni style pengantin sekarang… kecundang jua daku akhirnya hahaha
Yana, thanks awak appreciate my entry! Merisik ring I prefer yang plain gold band, without any ukiran2. 18k gold nicer ;) Since nikah ramai pilih solitaire, so for engagement boleh pick yang fancy sikit e.g. eternity ring…cos later eternity boleh pair kan dgn your plain merisik ring ;) tapi jgn lupa discuss your budget dgn fiance dulu…
Anonymous, thanks! Paling lain makeup bertandang ;P
Cik belle, I love my baju too oops! Haha :P
Dita, syahrir did the tailoring, while kain semua I beli sendiri kat Mayestik Jakarta. Our Jln TAR pun ada (jakel/euro moda) Chiffon silk 5m, and patching tu bukan French lace pun. Japanese lace yang murah tu je hehehe!
Ellfazira, mana ada perfect wedding :P favors tu 50 bijik je, ramai yang tak dapat..nak DIY banyak2 memang tak menang tgn dah hehehe!
Azira, finally we met kan! Ala manade lavish…hantaran pun tak complete sbb bunga dah banyak layu, sobs~
Elya…thanks! ! :)
Elly…tak payah risau ok . My pengapit prefer me in lova rather than sue cantik & she’s planning to get lova for her wedding. See…my pengapit yang 24hrs dgn I that day pun trust lova hee ;)
Alwanez, thanks so much ;)
SN, tulah asal cheque je pak imam terus assume hutang kot heh ;)
Treehugger, I beli from poetryofflowers, 80 cents je..murahkan! their kedai at seri maya condo…dekat dgn LRT Jelatek :)
at last u had answered the curiosity that some of us, i juz stick to lova..thanks WLT..
blowalking here and found your solemnization ceremony indeed very sweet! :)
can you share with me how can u get syahrir workmanship price only 3digit? sbbnye i dh tnya dia, dia kata starting buat bj nikah is 1500. email me at
thanks so much darl!
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