Firstly congrats to Diah, Anil, Amy & the rest committees for the success of this event! AJK kecil-kecilan dan last minute macam saya hanya mampu tolong sikit2 je ;) Diah cakap I was among earliest registering as vendor haha..yup, I was super excited at the time – not so much to promoting 2nd hand wedding items, but more of meeting up bakal pengantins & ex-pengantins that I’ve been reading through!
The night before hubby sama2 stay up siapkan our wedding scrapbook. We had the raw pictures printed on papers, then glued them in scrapbook. The intention was, at least wedding pictures are ready in case guests nak tengok prelim result of our photographers since our album belum dapat lagi ;)
We arrived The Zon quite late, so had to rush preparing the booth. Had to drag my hubby cos my bestie Mas had to leave for family farewell that noon. Mas sempat helped me out with the deco, thank you babe ;) My booth betul2 dpn pintu masuk, decorated in brighttt pink theme :P Jiran2 tetangga my booth were married bloggers Ida, Jamilah & Lynda.
(mas kecewa tak sempat try dress tu ;P)
Pelamin by Rass Deco, Que Rafael pun ada showcase their pelamin aritu ;)
doorgift pic taken from diah; kipas bulu & fancy cookies etc
I couldn’t exactly remember what time guests start datang, tetiba je dah ramai..i was left alone until my colleague jarjar came & help to entertain the guests, thanks jarjar! and suhana too ;D Honestly, I was glad to meet the bloggers/readers that dayyy – macam2 cerita keluar, the one I remembered most where this blogger confessed she went checking out my hall betul2 time kitorg tgh buat preparation & deco..if tau awal2 sure I dah jemput dtg kenduri mlm tu since byk lg seat kosong hehe…And tak lupa, this reader told me one of my designer wondering feedback of my wedding baju – dia kata muka I mcm takde perasaan time pickup baju :P This one guest commented i never had my email published at blog, no im not sombong..dulu i wasnt comfortable to give recommendation cos my majlis not over with the experience, anything boleh email whitelacetale[at] insyaAllah the sharing will be more fruitful this time esp on wedding vendors & tips :)
My booth had nothing much to offer for sale, except my friend’s wedding dresses. Mostly showcase of doorgifts, dresses, hantaran etc from my weddings in case some asking for workmanship of these vendors & ni jelah cara I can be thankful to my vendors by promoting only those who did great job last time :)
Speaking of result my wedding vendors, most popular q thrown out that day was regarding lova as the last entry freaked some out ;(…I’ve expected it anyway & I felt so bad eversince the post. I had to gently remind those who asked, tak semua bad experience & tak semua bad skin mcm I :) Even sue cantik my fave tu pun I penah tgk result my fren yang tak menjadi – but I still trust her to makeover me cos I like her consistency in giving doll-flawless result (beside Tiar), color lipstick off ke apa tu lain cerita hehe. Surprisingly too,my pengapit prefers me in lova rather than sue for her lighter, natural makeup & she even considering lova for her coming big day, see? ;) tu pandangan org yang 24jam dgn I time kenduri tuu hehe ;) So, don’t worry too much psl lova…!
Ok jom layan gamba pulak, all taken from rakan2 bloggers :P

2-2 tak sempat singgah ;(
leftover from my wedding telah jadi doorgift to yang singgah my booth, reason being – last time I nak buat card I pening cari layout, wording & aturcara etc..hope it helps hee!
peserta tekun dgr instruction dari anil & jai
surprise for mommy-to-be azie, tasya pun dtg all the way from Spore ;)

thanks again to those who came & support this event, and those who dropped by (Rosie, Azira, Chokodox, Shazana, Tahirah, Ika, Xyleen, Aim & many many more to list!) & leave some messages & your bloglink dkt my guest note ;) To those query on 2nd hand items earlier, I’ll post some close up pics & pricing soon! To Tahirah, thanks for considering us – insyaAllah we’re now ready to cater your table centerpiece or any minimal deco (guestbook area etc) :)
balik je from gathering, i terus terbongkang...hubby tolong sapukan yoko2 since my pinggang mcm dah nak patah that dayyy...but overall, i had fun meeting the rest bloggers/readers & making new friends :D
p/s : tiffany petals planned for giveaway during gath dah selamat diberi to ayna..selamat pengantin baru to u both & thanks so much for the invitation.. if hubby dpt cuti, insyaAllah we’ll be there! ;)
takpe tak smpt singgah booth i. i da dtg booth u. :) nice to meet u again.. baju2 semua cantik2 tau.
i tak sempat nak bergambar dengan awak uwaaaa .i sangat selesa dengan u even first time jumpa ..seronok sangat ...and i tak sempat nak godeh2 your scrapbook ..i rasa mcm nak buat jerk ..hehehe nnti bole bg tips kan kan ... rindu nak berbual dengan u ...hopefully i pindah kita potluck lg yiaa .. i know potluck is your favourite part :p
betol2...u ngn jajar best sgt
xsombong and very helpful bg suggestion n tips...lepas ni bole la email2
ek wlt..kalo u x ingat i byk tanye soklan kat u pasal make up ngn card u
anyway nice knowing u
email i
hai jiran! haha! booth jiran i ni mmg meletup sentiasa bz. haha!
nice meeting u shyla!
wlt! hehe i lagi biasa panggil u tht la...xpe, xpe, shylla... ;) mmg i agreed with Sha...masa i mula2 dtg tht gath, rasa mcm risau gak, sbb takdela kenal semua sgt, except a few kan...then nampak aje u, terus rasa mcm click!! seriously!! best borak with u!! jom jumpa lagi kayyy...and i pun tak dpt ambik gambar ngan u!!
rupanya ramai yang ada..tapi tak kenal..dan tak ketahuan mereka ada kat sana...huhh
hai wlt :)
sorry this is kinda off topic tapi I baru baca entry you pasal quran tu.still available lagi tak?
see shylla sume ckp u friendly even first time jumpe, u baik sgt, suke sharing, hehe nanti kalu ade majlis ape2 ke, jemputla..
walaupun tajuk entri basi, still bloggers tetap baca..
jajar pun nice, dia suke senyum..sweet...
jiran sebelah pun sweet jugak...kan ida..hehe
hantaran from ur side mmg terbaik, very modern n chic xD
hye ashylla..almost xknal gorgy rite now...congrate on ur wedding my very schoolmate =). after boleh la tlg me for the wedding favour..
alaaa...huwaa..x sempt tgk ur scrapbook album....
babe, tak sempat bergambo ngan u. nice meeting u. hehe teruja jumpe idola weeeeee *hugs* Nanti kalo ade lagi, kite chit chat ek (=
kelakar kan syomir tanya soalan mcm tu! :) xpe,kita buat dia gabra sikit ;p
nways,nice chatting with u...and thanks for the email..i link u ya :)
xnak buat lagi ke gath nie..huhu..
i jalan2 singgah jap n follow ur blog :)
nice meeting u too nardea! ni dah 2nd time kan :D
sha, i miss potluck! cepat pindah kl please :p
anne, nice talking to u too..cant wait for your pretty card, hopefully hubby can cuti too to attend your wed :)
ida, booth u pun malathop. siap ade bisnes card, rugi tak amik satu tsk!
nat, me too sgt comfortable talking to u, even baru first time :D maybe sbb we shared some vendors kot so cepat je share stories!
kan amy! byk familiar faces, nak tegur takut salah org :p
altissimo, alquran tu depends when my stewardess aunty fly to madinah/mekah. i'll keep u guys posted but i cant promise any for time being. hopefully u have some backup too..
thx azira! nice meeting u, goodness we just knew each other like few days before gath je kan :D
hapip..if cantik, why tak banyak gambar? *sobs
raihana samurian ke? yg mane mampu i surely tolong, no worries!
wawa, u bz kan that day! babe, u actually missed nothing, the album was all paper printout je not the real pics hehehe
idola? no wayyyy!! ur preparation is alot better lynda, hopefully all going smooth for u & hubby!
tahirah, for whatever reason i still love syomir's! hopefully ur baju will turn out gorgeous babe :) see u this weekend!
balkidz, sure there'll be next ;) thx for dropping by, hopefully it's not too late to wish u selamat pengantin baru!
babe, where are you? lame tak hapdet blog. rindu :(
haha ade je lynda! enjoy sgt baca your prep & the rest b2bies sampai blog sendiri terabai :p
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