Since post mortem of weddings may take ages to write, let’s give way to our honeymoon entry dulu ;) Among the shortlisted were Boracay Island & Koh Samui, but connecting flights was my biggest turn off for Boracay while Koh Samui...tiket firefly like mahal gile :( so off we to Krabi!
We managed to catch AA promo return tix for rm116 & booked ground package during last MATTA fair. Since we went during high season the price quoted for us was RM1350 nett, including :
-4N accom with breakfast
-Return airport transfer
-Thai massage
-Phi Phi Island @ 4 Islands trip
If you’re travelling during low season, you can get all above just rm700++ for kan? We only pay rm50 as deposit at MATTA fair, the rest was upon if u cancel the trip, u only loose small amount of money...but the bad is, u have to pay in baht later..def u'll lose some for exchange rate!
the place was Pavilion Queensbay...TA review was helpful, at least we knew things we could compromise with the budget we had :) knowing we're coming for honeymoon, Rabeeya the sales manager had earlier upgraded our room to Suite...and with seaview :)
We managed to catch AA promo return tix for rm116 & booked ground package during last MATTA fair. Since we went during high season the price quoted for us was RM1350 nett, including :
-4N accom with breakfast
-Return airport transfer
-Thai massage
-Phi Phi Island @ 4 Islands trip
If you’re travelling during low season, you can get all above just rm700++ for kan? We only pay rm50 as deposit at MATTA fair, the rest was upon if u cancel the trip, u only loose small amount of money...but the bad is, u have to pay in baht later..def u'll lose some for exchange rate!
the place was Pavilion Queensbay...TA review was helpful, at least we knew things we could compromise with the budget we had :) knowing we're coming for honeymoon, Rabeeya the sales manager had earlier upgraded our room to Suite...and with seaview :)

hubby kutip the petals and made nice walkway from the shower that night *winks*

more space to "explorerace" at night ooops :P

privacy is assured!
spacious...shower on left, toilet on your right

nice spot to laze with your hubby sambil melihat bintang2 di langit huhu..

hotel was abit secluded, but no worry as they have free shuttle to Ao Nang. except, coming from Ao Nang is sendirian berhad hehe..u can still walk, but berpeluh jugakla..better naik tuktuk, they're almost everywhere for only rm2/pax per ride. but we prefer amik scoot je, rental only rm18/day & we can merempit whenever we want heheh :P all they need is driving license & passport je! and fuel u have to isi balik...

our daily activity during honeymoon was massage, sebab they so cheapppp in thailand :) oil massage around rm30/hr and they were like everywhere in krabi...but mostly those in busy Ao Nang are less privacy cos u have to share the room with other tourists & some not that "clean".

The 2nd day, we were recommended by locals for Boosabakorn Spa..famous spa among tourists. my goodness...i almost keluar balik from spa sbb terkejut seeing the price, mengalahkan KL :( but hubby pujuk bila lagi to we took their honeymoon spa package with jacuzzi. yeap the ambience & service was super nice...but the massage dekat bahu sakit sikit.
the 3rd night we had oil massage at Feel Good Massage nearby our hotel...the best i had in krabi, sampai tertido... price pun cheap & most importantly, we had room. sorry no pics taken but recommended for those seeking for privacy :)
the 4th night, we booked for Aloe Vera treatment & massage (rm40/hr) at Ao Nang Princeville, recommended by masseuse for after sunburn. very cooling....we liked it, esp after 2 days berjemuran di pantai..but i was dissapointed with the room, too "ordinary" for a spa in exclusive boutique resort & i think ppl outside can see us changing baju sbb their transparent tingkap :(
I know this every Muslim’s most worried kan. myself too didnt manage getting a “confirmed” HALAL restaurant…but at least we found few restaurants that didnt serve pork at all (but ada beer etc) be safe, we just stick to seafood based.
For breakfast, we had our daily in hotel. Choice quite good for us the muslim who cant enjoy their least they have range of waffles, pancakes, shrimp dimsum, sushi, cereals, bread & salads to choose from...siap their thousand island tu campur cili...very the Thai!! hehe

but our fave is their porridge, harus dimakan bersama chilli flakes ya

LaCasa was one of muslim-owned restaurant & they didnt serve pork at all. according to their malay-speaking staff, they can jamin ayam & daging are all sembelih...except the processed food like burger, nugget etc...they dont advise us to order cos they not sure the source. we tried their seafood but their 2 specialty pizza mmg sedap! but the food alot pricey here.

the next day we tried Wang Sai Seafood, recommended by Rabeeya and again no pork served. u can pick your fish, lobster etc & get them freshly cook for u...and the service pun sangat cepat :) i'll list u the dishes we ordered & the price....
- BBQ lobster in garlic & butter (rm26/100gm)
- Fried soft crab in curry powder rm15…serving size for 3 pax..
- Tomyam seafood rm18..serving size 3 pax
- Steam fish in lemon sauce…rm24..seriously terbaikkkk!
- 4 Oysters with vege..rm12
- Plain rice rm2/plate
we didnt get the chance to try Ao Nang Seafood...we reached 10pm & they already packing up to close :( sedih sikit sbb it was one of recommended try-outs by seaside & i saw most shops there not serving any pork in their menu book too..
next to Ao Nang Seafood was Ban Lay Aeshah Halal Restaurant-the only halal place we found and at the very last day...tak sempat singgah pun

Thai pancake…nice one..we tried aurinh’s recommendation for banana & choc…sedappp!
Rugi pulak beli satu je hehe..
We didn’t go to Phi Phi, since we’ve been there in 2008. The locals recommend us Similan Island..from the brochure, looks perfect for divers…not yet for us kot =)
we picked James Bond Island trip...the name tells it all, one of JB film had their shooting here. 1.5hr van ride from krabi to boat pier in Phang Nga.

after the island trip, they brought us to Island Safari in Phang Nga...elephant trekking was one of activity. no camera allowed, they'll snap for us & to buy is optional..we paid rm30 for 4pix & below is one of them...

the next day we pick 4 Islands trip included in our hotel package... the trip with speedboat going to 4 places :
- Phra Nang Bay...nice cave view, i just knew the place was the other side of Railay Beach…so we cancelled our trip to Railay that evening..hubby accidentally dropped our hps gone all numbers!
- Chicken island...hubby accidentally stepped on sea urchins. the locals cakap let the duri reput sendiri cos tak beracun pun.
- Tup Island...we did the snorkelling here but it was jellyfish season so the view not so great...small jellyfish bersepah2 but they not harm
- Poda u can see matsaleh granny topless...
personally, i think krabi would have been better if the staffs esp those working at tourist spots can understand & speak English...but overall, we loved the trip & Thai hospitality..we surely comeback if there's any rezeki :)
what's the company? dekat matta fair tu kan banyak..hehe
krabi tourism booth =)
cantik nye tempat tu@
hubby awk so romantic la..hehe
will try to find the agency dis weekend
wah bestnya!! mcm nak gie 2nd honeymoon plak!! hehehe, during our honeymoon, we decided to go against islands or beaches sbb kitorg berdua nie org laut, so dah muakk but looking at your honeymoon, mcm teringin plak!! i'll make sure that i bring myself n hubby of cos to Krabi soon!! nnt i tanya u ek ;)
krabi sounds fun!!
sunburn x?
me sunburned truk kt bali.
wowww...penginapan kamu.... sunggoh cnthek...bess sgt... krabi mmg bes kan...huuu...
sedap kan banana choc pancake tu.. tiap malam kat krabi - wajib beli bawak bali makan kat bilik. Hubby punya lak beli yang peanut butter...
glamer akak tu kat malaysia... kalaulah dia tahu satu malaysia dah tahu gerai dia.. hehehehe..
glad that you love krabi..
wow..i loooikkee sume part2 kat air tu..hehe
menarik :)
waaa when i saw this ..i miss krabi ..(huh again?) hihihi best kan Krabi ..the spa sgt murah ..i can't imagine ..and the hotel superb cantik ..jauh tak dari Ao nang beach???
waa...canteknye view di sane!!mesti sunburn kan??he he he
i loooooooooooove the room. sangat best. sorry to say, the best part that i love is the bathroom. erk... with the seaview, bath by the sunset!!!!!!! weeeeeeeeeee bestnye. mane nak dapat tempat, moreover kt bathroom, leh tgk sunset, haish. can't wait for the matta fair tmrw. ping!
teringinnyer nak pegi...huhu
i nak g krabi jugaklahhhh!
relyza, kesian the wife tak romantic! nak send romantic sms pun have to google ;P
nat, we wish for your honeymoon..bilalah our rezeki tu hehe!
wawa...sunburn teruk ok! my kulit mengelupas dgn sgt hebat :(((! balik je from krabi sempat went for midnite movie lagi..mmg lupa psl penat hehe!
aurinh...tulah! sebab sedapkan..haruslah kita semua glamerkan dia ;D
ann, menarik sampai sanggup sunburn teruk :P
sha..if driving, less than 5min boleh smpi Ao Nang..lebih kurang your hotel je ni hehe :)
farhana..the hotel personally to me biasa je..but loc dia abit ke atas & no building blocking for your wide seaview..that's what so precious about this hotel hehe..
yeap lynda! sunset bath tu soo precious..and the buaian too! syok tau baring2 with angin sepoi2 bahasa wee ;D
hanie..tunggu baby besa sikit boleh pegi k ;D
farah..if tak sempat catch matta fair, AA package pun byk choice tau! avoid feb..jellyfish season tak best...
sunset + buaian, i rase the best moment. kat malaysia, i guess u can see them at ur balcony je ek? sumtin to treasure. bestnye!
i dah pegi matta tadi, haha geng krabi hotel dia limited lah, tak jumpa pun hotel u, i tak ingat actually which hotel u stay, but i know takdelah tadi, haha, hotel sama je if dgn agent or thai tourism, i nak pakasai or red ginger but mahal gila tho its a very very low season.. ;(
then pas dah decide terus pg booth, borak2 dgn org siam tu dah la boleh cakap malay but with slight inaccuracies la, i tanya view ape dia duk kata, ha bilik ni mahal 500 dari biasa, ape la tanya lain, haha, and borak2 buat interested gila, n bodek2 terus dapat upgrade room, then settle, as flight tic got it last year masa 0 fare..
the lowest i can get is myr800 for two thru agent but the activities is very limited, the one i amik tadi myr1120 for 2 for 4d3n, oklah cos initially i nak amik dgn air asia ground package, they charge myr1800+
tq for ur review!
awww so sweet :)
lynda..thailand mcm indon..their star rating of hotels tak sama standard mcm hotel was 4 star but i think in msia level 3 star je baru hehe..
wow huda..i read your entry..include halal meals kan? what a bargain..nasib u sempat compare with AA's ok u dont get Red Ginger, cos the place lg jauh compared to my hotel & at night not so safe cos the place abit sunyi..u'll enjoy krabi :D
ederq..your bali honeymoon pun best ok ;) *tgh cari cheap flight to bali
been there for mh huneymoon trip too!!nice huh!!
alamak mcm dah lambat nak bagi comment kan, but just wondering approxx berapa ek harga spa kat bassaborkn tu? i baca review, alot say the best spa in krabi...
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