Jom2 meriahkan the first ever gathering for bloggers & b2b! ;D
WLT will be there as vendor, with little booth showcasing some of her wedding stuffs (dresses, doorgifts, card etc) - chance to see & feel yourself the good and bad of those ;)
Stuffs now up for rental :
- both nikah & bertandang veils (the longgg one hehe!)
- choc fountain machine
For sale :
- wedding accessories (tiara, necklace set)
- beaded alas nikah
- 3 wedding dresses from friend's collection
and for the first time too (malu sikit nak ckp but the interest actually dah long way developed), WLT is partnering with her bestie to offer wedding coordinator service :) read : wedding planner is different! tomorrow is the introductory price, and we promise you it's the cheapestttt in town!
registration dah tutup, but fret not...boleh walk in dgn hanya rm3!
so b2b/bloggers/readers : SEE YOU THERE!!! ;D
so sad...tak dpt gi :(
ade kenduri kendara...hu3
Way to go Ashylla. Good luck with ur business. ^_^
At least dpt juga tolong org dari jauh seperti saya ;D Yeay!!!
Good luck Ashylla. I hope to be in touch with you soon!
hi ashyla, ade one thing lupe nk tnye..wedding coordinator..mcm mana gaye nye tu..
saw u there *wink*
erk SAW teros sbb kamu depan pintu entrance. first attraction.
nice meeting u babe (=
WLT....act i nk tanya dgn u psl service ni..pastu lupe...bleh tk?excited sgt jumpa sumer org
hi ashylla,
am looking for veils for my wedding in early june, both my nikah+recp outfit in white. can u pls quote the rental price for both veils..thanks dear..
my mail: iyzeewalla@gmail.com
thanks =)
hi syhlla,
choc fountain still for rental?nk tny harga.email:pdosh01@gmail.com
Hi ashylla,
Boleh send me quotation for Stuffs below:-
- both nikah & bertandang veils
- choc fountain machine
- wedding accessories (tiara, necklace set)
- beaded alas nikah
to lynnhaslinda@gmail.com
hye dear...
i'm anne..i jmpe u kat booth u ari tu..
thanx for the info yg u bg..
really appreciate..
heheheh taP bole x u post
contact num shipping dr jakarta tu
i lupa nk bagi email address i
kalo bole i nk tau sgt contact num shipping frm jakarta tu
thanx dear
so sorry, my question ni is so off topic. tp terpaksa tanya, 'cos i'm at the verge of desperation :p
can u suggest some good (preferably female) MUAs that are based in penang/northern areas?
btw, thanks for the info on the lanterns! :D
both veils tu tuh white color ke? do u have creme color?? really hope to hr fr u soon.. here's my email.. fxX1gpike@yahoo.com
tak puas nak berbual dgn u mcm2 i nak tanya this is for my sis in law ..alas dulang tue yg biru tu u nak jual ke???
HI Ashylla mine sharing what's the price for the lanterns that you bought? Thinking of buying it. Perlu banyak takut mahal. TQ
Elya, takpe rezeki u next time pulak ;)
Squarecutring, thanks babe! (Tak syokla tak boleh panggil nama ko kat sini haha)
Dinda, thanks for reading all the way from brunei! I dah reply your mail, sorry lambat gile kan :( Dear if u need help turun kl nanti, let me know ok ;)
Azira..dah reply kat ym ;) Jgn lupa appoint sorg sedara time your kenduri nanti hehe..
Lynda, thanks singgah dkt booth gila kuasa tu (sbb depan sekali kan :P) Glad to read your smooth preparation dear, jangan lupa invite pengantin2 basi ni nanti kay hehe!
Yeke Rosie? Yelah..kejap sgt kan haritu :( takpe, bebila free & interested, buzz je kat fb :D
Spaceghost, thanks for your interest! Nikah veil –rm50 (chiffon), Long veil – rm90 (net). Long veil tu very berat..i suggest u tgk and try dulu..buzz je I kat blog ni hehe!
Anonymous, choc fountain still kat penang. InsyaAllah starting next month ready for rental. Rm50 rental for 3 days, the rest T&C dah sent to your mail ;)
Lynn, replied! hope to hear good news from u ;)
Anne, replied! bile pegi jakarta? *rindu ikan gurame...hehehe
Anonymous..they actually off-white :D
Sha...kejap je kan haritu :( u dtg tak mlm ni? alas dulang tu Sher punya hehe..sha, alas Thai Silk tu we beli kat Kamdar, rm5/meter then we jahit tepi..susah betul nak cari color tuu
Anonymous, lantern yg i beli tu mahal..salah kedai :( this reader ade comment where to get cheap lantern, PS area jugak..checkout cheycheyz comment here :
Sumpit, i pernah buat trial before engagement with Jumie Samsudin - tebal sgt :( that was back in 2008, sekarang mungkin dah improve :)
Yg lain i survey all male MUAs. In case u nak checkout :
Eddy : from butik Jalinan Kasih (relau branch). rambut off sikit, but dia makeup dark skin ok..rm200 makeup di butik h/p : 012-4390074
Bernard : famous one in sg petani. makeup very light, if u kulit putih shud be ok =) nice hairstyle. rate rm 250 each makeup. h/p : 019-4777800
- Saufi : recommended by man kajang. his work ada in some pengantin mags but the makeup agak nude..rate rm400 for nikah + sanding same day. his no. 012-4078344 012-4078344
- Baby : from Milennium Collections kepala batas. light makeup & dulu he used to makeup khir toyo's wife. rate rm300 kut..dah lupe hehe..hp 017-4879241 017-4879241
northern MUAs ni liat sikit nak makeup kat rumah :( they prefer customers queue ramai2 dakt butik for makeup - lagi untung diorg ckp :(
shylla! i love you so much. serious you like (bride) wikipedia for me. haha. i baru nak tanya kot2 you tau mana2 northern MUA. sekali you dah reply sumpit punye komen. thanks a lot and you save my day!
oh byw, i nak tanya beaded alas nikah tu dah ada orang beli ke? i nak book!!
tu laaa. u shd start a wedding wiki la! Thank you so much!!!
can you send a quotation for this stuff:
-wedding accessories (tiara, necklace set)
- beaded alas nikah
- both nikah & bertandang veils
sory typing error for the email
hi syhlla,
it's me again. :D
could you tell me more about this wedding coordinator thingy? Ours will be the type yg takde specific program tu, but who knows, perhaps we might actually need a coordinator.
btw, my email is sickgordy@gmail.com
thanks! :D
Thanks on the MUA lists!
hi ashylla,
i'm looking for veil for my wedding in early july, is it available for rent? im interested wit ur long viel.
my email: wardabamadhaj@hotmail.com
tak dpt join time ni
Tq Moose! nanti I letak pics alas nikah tu dulu hehe, tapi takde bantal tau
Tq Sumpit! I regret sikit, my wedding tak banyak introduce local talent ;( banyak import kl, tapi hasil tak seberapa pun ;P task coordinator tgh karang, tunggu sat hehehe..(ni utk event kat perlis ke?)
Anonymous, replied you ;)
Welcome Sarah! All the best with your prep too ;)
Anonymous, I’ve replied you..yes dear, early july masih available ;D
Nurul, next time kena datang k hehehe..
tu la kan, i'm hoping to use local vendors too, jimat sama. tp tatau la... certain things, maybe kena import gak kot, tp xpe, 5 bulan++ lg.
ni buat kat kedah, kitorg 2-2 bukan org kl/selangor, keje je kat sana :D
apa-apa, update la yer. thanks! :D
salam shylla
thanx for the reply...
anne pon bru bkak email heheeh
da dpt num pak yayat
Haha. Tunggu masa lah baru boleh panggil name. hahaha. XD
Babe..sile update blog anda. saye tengah bosan. heeeee
hi..i berminat laa nk rent ur veil..both of them.can u email me the details pls..nurulashikinz@gmail.com
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