Since this was adhoc, i prefer having them close to my place and first being shortlisted was non other, Khareyana Spa. Apart from convenience, i was earlier blown by pictures in their fb and good reviews had on this spa.
The spa located in PJ, best landmark would be Assunta Hospital. It's a private bungalow surrounded with water garden..very homey. Massage rooms all located outside, so you need to walk through stepping stones to reach there!

I opted for 2hrs Royal Javanese Body Ritual. They have 2 other treatments in Balinese Sensual range, the difference here only the lulur (scrub). The process starts with massage, scrub, body mask, shower and finally application of moisturizing cream; all took place at this fabulous massage room..

Loved the fact it has attached shower room and tub, so i dont have to walk around half naked to get myself clean :) Disposables given too are of high quality, unlike Hammam's easily koyak. Here, you hardly hear any noise despite being close to road as there were music and running waters filling the room. I would appreciate they go for other soothing music, cos I always feel Balinese music hmm, abit creepy..esp time senja lol!
Massage was real good and more detail in the sense..they rub you, then they stop and start pressing some pressure points, then rub back at same place (and next of course i dozed off). Lulur this time was great too cos no yucky coconut smell and the lady ensured celah jari kaki pun semua scrub!! :) The session finished off with serving of watermelon and ginger tea.
Overall, i had a great time today in Khareyana. Considering the ambience and service, their rate to me is reasonable knowing spas of same league usually charge higher for similar duration :)