Dec 15, 2009

bunga pahar/perenjis

The in-laws finally scrap the idea of having telur pindang to all guests, after many feedbacks from relatives that it’s not a hit as in johor & most probably it would be a waste since not many guests can accept the exotic taste of telur pindang. My fiancΓ© being an obsessed johorian down sikit.....but his fiancee always know how to bring his smile back...”awak, we still got slot for merenjis gift...boleh la kasi telur pindang..” ;) Since they’ll be less than 20pcs, fiancΓ© said if ada yg buang pun he not ralat…I’m glad fiancΓ© got the buy in for his fave tradition gift finally, even not for all.

As for the telur deco, we decided to maintain the traditional form of bunga pahar/perenjis. I ain’t a collector of bunga pahar & never was a fan, but I love the fact it’s a tradition found in our Malay wedding & these differences that actually made up the beauty of one culture from another…hopefully im not bias, tho capricornians are naturally a traditionalist, I only realized my interest for tradition stuffs developed (rapidly) after so much attached with wedding preparations.

gambar hiasan (by Nuwoo8);
nothing to do with our bunga pahar design...

So we ordered few pieces of bunga perenjis for majlis bertandang. Since mostly the perenjis is couple, we as much wanted to avoid giving the same gift to husband & wife. Result from our discussion with decorator last weekend, we will maintain the tradition of bunga pahar giving to perenjis…except, we’ll make different bunga for ladies & gentlemen. I’m pleased with one of the samples; came in sweet combo of silver & pink ... :)

p/s : it's 2 months away friends! ;)


dialicious said...

2 mths??so fast kan!!!i stil remember when u jez started w the prep n all.alaaaa...telur pindang la best!!!i began to love telur pindang n songket after involved w weddings.i once went to 3 weddings in one weekend n the doorgifts were all telur pindang,i nailed all 6(inc my hubby's ones)..haha!

BuTtErFlyInFraMe said...

traditional itu classic! :P

yeah, 2mnths to go, and mine 1++..mari bersama-sama excited!

Riena said...

bunga pahar insyallah i buat sendiri..eheheh. bila kerajinan datang

sweet cravings said...

you know what- i've decided to stick to the traditional bunga pahar/ bunga telur gift for the perenjis too. despite of the idea of wanting the fruit- give-away like i've posted earlier. i guess, sticking up to the tradition; comel la. hehhe. but, we can still put a new touch to it. new means, simplicity in its design je. :)

Quiyah said...

dulu masa i kawen, my MIL tak nak bagi telur sumer.. so kitorg substitude ngan ferrero roche.. hmm..

anil lutaze said...

telor pindang saya x mkn..hehehe...

xpelah 20 pcs still ok kan...

shapattnson said...

20 tu kira banyakkk ...okey la tue ..i tak pakai telur pindang ..tapi telur biasa jerk ... hikss gud luck for the preparation ..

hidden.wing said...

diah..bile u recall my early prep tu sumpah i rasa kite sgt lah old timer, except u're married while i still membujang :P i insist bunga songket as one of perenjis gift..lepas geram sbb tak merasa pakai songket punye pasal hehe :D

alena...i tanak the counter to move...i sgt enjoy wedding prep walaupun byk pening kepala..i know i'll miss every bit of it (which i bet u too kan..)

riena..i pun DIY bunga pahar for hantaran ;D but mine the sempoi version je your saying of 'new touch'..brides nowadays dah broaden their perspective..bunga pahar no longer came in expensive tag with meriah colors..less is now obviously more.. :D

quiyah.. i have to agree, some dont prefer the hassle of preparing eggs..very last minute job & the durability pun very short..belum masuk lagi the telur pecah2 kan :D

anil, the exact perenjis only 8 org..very sikit kan, his aunty cut down the no. to avoid ppl waiting lama sgt for makan..

sha, we make extra like belas2 case any excited aunties nak jugak..the pengantin will keep each for themselves too..kenangan berpenat lelah :D

harzharun said...

ermmm...betul jugak u kata..t husband n wife dpt same bunga kan..kalo wat lain2..xsama la bunga pahar on rite n left pelamin mcm mn?

hidden.wing said...

harz..our bunga pahar for perenjis 8pcs je so we put on dulang... bunga pahar kiri kanan we pinjam from decorator..dummy punya ;D