May 31, 2009
wedding checklist
1. nikah, sanding & bertandang date
- confirmed
2. kursus kahwin & legal docs
- kursus completed 13/6
- hiv test done 26/11
- borang done & diluluskan =) 10/12
3. venue
- nikah & sanding : home
- bertandang : booked. deposit paid.
4. catering & canopy
- penang : booked. to reconfirm menu & package items. tuka cake with pulut kuning
- bertandang : booked. to reconfirm menu, glass, chair cover, table layout & exchange of maintable deco with VIP table deco. food testing & setting by end Jan.
5. pelamin & decor
- penang : autocad received :)
- bertandang : autocad received :)
6. photographer
- nikah & reception : accom & flight tix booked (to remind credit card & photo copy)
- bertandang : must-shoot checklist half way...
- pre/post-wedding : to reconfirm senior photographer & date. venue tentative. props if required
7. videographer
- nikah & sanding : discuss shot & timing
- bertandang : to reconfirm senior videographer. song for bertandang video dah pilih, to be shared before event
8. wedding outfit
- nikah : final fitting 4/2
- sanding : groom done. bride last fitting 6/2. rent tiffany sampin set from abg man
- bertandang : bride's first fitting 4/1. groom's next fitting 10/2
9. makeup
- nikah & sanding : to reconfirm timing with eddy & assistant
- bertandang : timing confirmed 5pm
- inai : pakai sendiri. to buy maharani henna.
10. favors
- nikah : done
- sanding :
all guest : done
rombongan family : done
maintable : done
- bertandang :
all guest : done
vips : printing
maintable : done
11. bunga pahar
- sanding : done
- bertandang : 16pcs, tempahan ongoing
12. hantaran
- for him : 7/9 completed (sirih junjung & fruits left!). new dulang
- for her : 5/7 completed (tepak sireh & choc left!) . new alas
- decorator : him confirmed. mine included in decorator package
13. rings
- his : done.
- hers : to resize 2/2
14. invitation card
- distributing & rsvp
15. cake
- sanding : cake design shortlisted
- bertandang : done. to remind timing & pisau cake 17/2
16. tok kadi
- booked 10am slot, to remind timing & venue 29/1
- reconfirm cash maskahwin? and lafaz akad
17. handbouquet
- nikah : FOC from hantaran maker. to reconfirm design 10/1
- sanding : FOC from pelamin maker. to reconfirm design
- bertandang : FOC from dressmaker
18. guest list
- done, seating layout ongoing
19. ceremony, entertainment & kompang
- penang : only kompang. caterer ada pakej!
- bertandang : entertainment sponsorred, syawal will reconfirm small platform. to list songs
- cd of favourite songs : tentative list dah ada. to rearrange the sequence
- kompang & selawat : ongoing
- slideshow for bertandang : concept dah ada. not started, hana will help =)
20. pengapit
- sanding : maslydhia & adam. kain sent to tailor
- bertandang : suzana & adam. kain sent to tailor
- bff dresses for bertandang : some with tailor.
21. dresses for family
- penang : done
- bertandang : done
22. wedding heels
- nikah & sanding & bertandang : dah tempah. ready made as backup
23. event itinerary
- dah siap
- bertandang rehearsal : (to check with hall admin & timing)
- bertandang coordinator : 2nd meet up 2/2
24. wedding props
- bungga manggar sewa from decorator @ aunty mu
25. spa treatment
- package found..
26. honeymoon plan
- ticket booked
- hotel booked at MATTA fair with airport transfer, dinner, island hopping trip =)
- to reconfirm arrival, room details
- to check additional excursion & tentative itinerary
the list shall be improvised when necessary, but for now, that's all.
afterall, Melania Knauss just not comparable for firstly, she's not working 8-5 as most of us do. and next, becoming mrs Trump, you know she can definitely afford any best vendors in town - hiring super talented Preston Bailey would really relieve alot of her headache, right. unlike us, we need to endlessly lookout for vendor who meet our budget frame & silently agreed to certain degree of her/his reliability ;) hehe.
May 30, 2009
capricorn bride
May 29, 2009
May 27, 2009
May 26, 2009
officially him
Udey Ismail is our main photographer for nikah & home reception in Penang :) we did survey avicenna, nurulsuhaimi, prettypeektures, jangguttouch. somehow, love at first sight that keep bringing us back to him hehe.
for outstation customer, we entitled for 30mins free outdoor photoshoot. Coupled with their extended promo, we have total of 1.5hrs free outdoor. to-do : lookout nearby place for outdoor & shorten to max 1 hr je.
for majlis bertandang, after bayar booking lah baru spell out ;) hehe.
we checked out the Curve D&P last weekend. been eyeing for their Estrellas almost a year now and GR 3*** still the tempting one as ever .. my second choice if their sister co. not putting up any sale this December hehehe.
anyway, i came across this pic while surfing for fuschia ideas. i can now relate my color to flowers too yeay, like how u link lavender to purple :D this is due to hard time explaining to veterans what fuschia really really is..
"pink mcm bunga kertas tu lah maktok.." (sambil pointing pokok di halaman rumah) hihi.

May 22, 2009
type of bride
The Traditionalist
She looks beyond fashion to style. This may involve careful assessment of all her features, strengths and flaws and how she can make them work to her best advantage. Everything she wears conveys a distinct message of confidence. Style icon like Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Jacqueline Kennedy. They all expressed an effortless elegance in what they wore. In reality, they were only true to themselves-unique women with their own take on style. Gown decoration should be distinctive yet understated, as with hand-tied bows, fabric-covered buttons, delicate lace trims or subtle embroidery. Always relevant and timeless.
The Modernist
Sense of daring is always implied. Often rigorous or highly exaggerated, it also indicates a style of dress that requires thought. Blending textures and shapes is a trademark of a bride who always look toward the future. Her dress is more like an art. It demands great intellect and energy to be a Modernist.
The Sensualist
She is obsessed with experiencing pleasure in every part of her life. A wedding gown should seduce and adorn. She doesn't wear the dress, she experiences it. She delights in her body and revels in her powers of seduction. Physical sensitivity guides her sense of style. Fabric should drape and fall suggestively against her skin with nothing to confine, restrict or bind. Luxury and extravagance equal sensuality.
The Individualist
Her desire for self-expression transcends all other considerations. She will go to any length to make a fashion statement. Personal expression is key. This may translate into a choice of an unusual color or a more unexpected silhouette. Head-strong and opinionated, she wears her individuality like a badge of honor. Although she may not set trends, she is most definitely not a follower.
The Romanticist
She is ruled by higher passions than the reality around her. She considers life a adventure. She is transported by a dress. For her fantasy is always a reality. Her innate femininity and love of beauty can inspire a gown of great fragility and enchantment. Delicate ruffles, billowing sleeves, or a lavish fully bustled train are only some of the details that create a romantic gown. Flirtation and femininity are her preferred tools of seduction. She embraces them equally.
May 21, 2009
May 20, 2009
home wedding canopy
for penang reception, abah estimates the guests to be max of 2000 pax, including spouse & kids. our nikah & reception wil be held on same Saturday, and i need to help abah out what's the market like for wedding catering & canopies ... merely to benchmark price for penang packages.
i found some info on canopies on net, need your insight whether it's standard price or else. and based on your experience, how many canopies required for 1500-2000 pax lunch buffet? how further can i go for discount? pro & cons of each below, and any necessary items e.g. buffet table, main table etc. (add on/complimentary). if couple with catering, how much roughly the price p/pax?
May 16, 2009
coming tiffany

May 14, 2009
paper pouch
May 11, 2009
for him
May 10, 2009
May 7, 2009
May 6, 2009
Jakarta-Bandung trip
Tickets booked during MAS promo with overall rm200++ each. 2 nights spent in Panghegar (BDO) while remaining in Grand Cempaka Jakarta. Ground package hired by auntie was the biggest mistake and since abah was paying, I’d rather not to curse my uncle whose from day 1 insisting for luxury hotel. gile annoying ..
Conversion used rm1 = 3000 rupiah. I must admit, some stuffs were bought without any idea of pricing in malaysia ehhe .. pasrah je ..
Regarding french lace, you can try Tanah Abang where i got mine with more than 50% cheaper than Mayestik. The good thing, you can buy per meter rather per potong (2.5m). Unlike Mayestik, TA retailers took smaller quantity of french laces (usually less than 6m) for sale. Once the first customer bought the first few metres, the so-called leftovers will be sold at super discounted kan? but sometimes, you might not get full 4m lah..depends on your luck. Choices quite limited compared to Mayestik. The one i went was Victory Textile Shop, Lantai B2, Los D 75-75A Pasar Tanah Abang.
French laces are typically plain, so i bought some tiffany Swarovski & other decorative stones from Charisma (thanks Diah!) at Lantai 7 T.Abang. Faza, whose mother doing the beadwork agreed the stuffs were cheap... roughly rm33 and rm18(smaller) for pack of 144pcs. some are iron on, while some stones kene jahit.
At Median, Lantai 2 Pasar Baru, bought my friend 2.5m japanese lace for 300k rupiah. a little expensive than my last purchase (275k) as they claimed it came with french lace design, layan je hehe. Bargained for Valentino shantung 130k/meter for his bertandang outfit.. cheaper pun ade, 15k rp, but the material mcm kurang solid :\ For those going to Bandung, you can find french laces here and another is Angel, Lantai 2 too ..
Faza had her reception dress made by Endar @Rumah Mode in Pasar Baru, with sample from one of Rizman Ruzaini's made for Siti Nurhaliza. The price inclusive kain, tailoring, patching, beadwork, veil, shoes and delivery to penang. The dress will take about one month to complete. Endar's previous works including nikah dress for one of our actress & dress for this well-known muslimah bridal boutique. Faza also bought ready made Indon bridal kebaya for her majis bertandang at 1.6 juta rp.
Since we'll be wearing white, our family got the green light to wear the tiffany. Abah & brothers' tiffany kain were all bought at Silk Route, Mayestik, ranging from 15k/m to 120k/m ... ibu had her discounted lacey here .. we usik her baju dah kalah pengantin ok! 4meters plak tu isk.. jgn nnt photographer salah snap sudah :P netting for veil sold at 10k/meter.
i didn't manage to get kain for my bridesmaid. those stock of deep fuschia chiffon (25k/m) was not enough for my girls. other shops selling mostly cheapest chiffon at 10k and chiffon silk 60-75k. so for those seeking bridesmaid kain there, cari as early possible, if no enuff stock available at least they have ample time to get you the new stock, normally by next day...siap delivery to your hotel pun boleh :)
Abah & ibu seems ok with card prices in Pasar Tebet but yet, still early for any order. We took one of contact no. - TWO IN CARD (Hendro 0878 81046225)and perhaps, everything will be done online je later. unless ade yg nak sponsor ke jakarta lagi hehe. not sure whether to opt for delivery or get fiance's sis studying in jakarta to bring them home ehehehe..
For doorgift, i dont have any idea than the one recommended by diah, Kikie Bridal Fashion @ Pasar Pagi Mangga Dua. She quoted me roughly rm0.60 for my dying paper pouch to fit the eggs and the price inclusive bow deco, couple name printing and delivery to kl :D via email juga bisa! personalized box pun interesting (about rm2 together with name printing), but when add up with delivery charge tu unit cost suddenly became overbudget, cos it requires more cartons to transport... or i need his sis again hihihi ...need another thinking, susah sgt order from Aisram je bley..? hehe.
we also had our pampering @ Spa Rogers Bandung. abah punya package paling lame :P for similar package (massage+lulur+milkbath = 225k) mmg mahal compared to previous Elegantz Spa (145k), but the massages are better .. except, room not that privacy..tak feeling je dengar ibu & aunties busily chatting with their masseuse haha ..
last but not least ....presenting... part of borong stuffs to kill time in plane :P

May 5, 2009
wearing tiffany
slight change to reception dress.
silver lace with soft tiffany lining bought earlier was veto-ed off by mom. agreed, it wasn't my 1st choice pun. the one i was eyeing selling at rm230/m in Silk Route Mayestik, so for 5m tailoring will definitely ruin my pocket! well basically, that was how i ended up with cheaper silver lace & reserve my white french lace for majlis bertandang.
but but ....
not after my visit to Tanah Abang last sunday ... one of textile shop at basement selling the exact white French lace with tiffany blue flower at similar pricetag ....except, it came with big 50% discount sign on top! the barganing went on, we finally settled with rm95/meter wheeee...!! *will share shop info & my just-back report in next entry*
we reached Mayestik by 6pm. with heavy rain outside, we decided to survey only up to 4 nearby shops and the final & longggg stop was at Silk Route. Mr. Gobin recall me; the girl who belek that white french lace with tiffany blue flower for hours but akhirnya tak beli jugak ..... dang! i showed him the exact lace bought in TA and he was screaming right after he knew the price wahaha :D