Jul 21, 2009

little black box & vid

We’ve got the ring. Came in a little black box, that’s it for now ;)

With ticker now going less than 7mths, I know there should be more of decision making rather than my never-ending survey hehe. Since fiancΓ© was on Israk Mikraj leave, we had the chance to meet our videographer yesterday. We didn’t do much talking, mainly the reason we’re almost zero on video thing and plus, it was nearly 10pm late – guess how tired I was :( But one thing we’re sure with – we love their work.


we booked them for our bertandang. He shared these tips, which I thought worth sharing with future brides :

1) share your chosen song with videographer prior your event, not after. This will help videographer to catch greater moments to suit your song :) or else, trust them to pick the song for you!
2) pick catchy song. this abit subjective, but at some point I realized, their combo of creativity and catchy song that's actually interesting about their vids :)

So brides, if you’re planning to grab their
July promo, wait no more!

we get different videographer for our penang event; 2 events for the price of 1 average event in KL, came with 2 videographers :) and no transport charge to penang yeay! Many many thanks to Diah for recommendation - i owe you alot babe ;)


sweet cravings said...

dear... best nye- cst. i pun suka derang.. :) ouh, thanks for the tips too! very handy.. ;)gansori

fairy said...

i'm looking for videographer too..thanks for d tips..do visit my blog http://awangulingpink.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2009-01-01T00%3A00%3A00-08%3A00&updated-max=2010-01-01T00%3A00%3A00-08%3A00&max-results=12

[ Hanie ] said...

yess...i also admire their job! mmg lagu2 dlm video dorang, lagu catchy2 :D lain dari yg lain, takdela nampak jiwang sgt kan :D

dialicious said...

So u got 2 diff videographers for bertandang&reception?wah..bestnyerrr!!congrats!and on the ring too..i baru nak pickup mine today..huhhu
u owe me an invi to Penang reception..haha

shapattnson said...

alangkah bertuahnya u ..i masih lagi mencari2 videogrpher nih ..adui ..(photogrpher pun tak comfirm lagik bagos!!)u got 2 diff videogrpher takde charge utk transport woww bertuahnye badan ...nampak u dah book videographer ..i kena mengensot (btol ke ejaan i nih)mencari nih ..
u are my guideline wlt thanks

dialicious said...

btw,I think we got the same color ;p

hidden.wing said...

mira : welcome dear, takpe nanti u dtg my wed u interframe dlm video tu ok hehehe :D

fairy : welcome fairy, am reading yours, baru teringat saya belum beli baju raya hehehe!

hanie : suke lagu wedding moqh & wife tu hehe..yang jiwang pun nak jugak, tapi nk reserve for video nikah hihi :P

diah : aah diah, tapi cst tu 1 videographer je. aik, same color ye..incik aziz jugak kah kekeke...penang reception? berehhh, tapi kenduri time valentine takde jamu candle light dinner tau haha

sha : ur wedding bile dear? takpe, nanti kite checkout pameran pengantin @ mvalley august ni..pasti banyak great deal utk kamu grab :D

anil lutaze said...

cst sgt bes...bgos jgkk...

tahniah2...sgt seronok dpt kebat best deallll

AmyMizzunderstood said...

im looking for videographer too..hmm tak tau laa..suddenly terlupa nk masuk list!

shapattnson said...

dear my wedding 1&2 Jan 2010 kat kk, sabah jadik jugak ker? pameran perkahwinan kat midvalley tue?? i dah beli ticket tapi that day adahal keje uwaaa camne nih??? tapi bile plak nxt pameran yer ..ada sesiapa yang tau ?? wlt ?? any idea ...

Sofia said...

huuu... best nye ambil cst. myself, actually didnt plan to hv video but fikir nanti menyesal. then, i just opt the best deal as follow my budget. :)

hidden.wing said...

amy : it's ok, video ni supplementary je hehe..pics pun dah memadai for future keep - nak2 fairuz yang amik :)

sha : ala yeke..aug ni biggest & sort of closing for this yr. insyaAllah i pegi, nnt pape best i share ok :)

lilphia : betul, most importantly budget..like my case, i cant afford to hire their package..so i opt yg 1 videographer je, which kebetulan on promo..kene try custom2 sikit hehe

Cstproduction said...

thankz for grab our promotion.. :)


Hafidz Kamaruddin aka HPP said...


hidden.wing said...

anil : thanks anil, memang seronok dpt deal ni :D

rosli : thanks sbb masih melayan kami walaupun sudah lewat that day. and those useful tips too, timer kasih :)

hapip : thanks for visiting. moqh dh lepas, kamu bile lagi hehehe