btw, one of pre-wedding montage we both love - click here. it's old, i know! :)
one of my early post was the day we went for first photographer hunting in mid-2008. it was our 1st visit to photographer, which turned out to be the one we picked for our big day ;)
...and the first q that popped from sapex (now ex-cs) was, "bile majlis korang ni?" with 2 years down the road, answering this was never easy :) becos the date was proposed long before the parents met or even before we got engaged! all we know, we want to get married on our anniversary - Feb 14th.
i tell you, the whole idea of our wedding date started off a very simple way during our 6th anniversary dinner in 2008, finally : i'm tired of having to wait the next day to celebrate our anniversary each year becos the large rose bouquet, fancy dinner or lovey-dovey packaging of choc bars are hell expensive on v-day & being kedekut girlfriend that time - seems the spending not so worth it for just AN occasion :) now u get the idea why i lumped all our special occasions on this very special date...as starting next year onwards - every Feb 14th, the large bouquet to us is meant for anniversary celebration of our relationship, bertunang & married hehe :D
with the date fixed to 14th & 20th Feb, yours truly now proudly to say..."SAVE THE DATE EVERYONE!". Counting to one month....and another great things about these dates are 14th is bday of my dearest ibu & 20th is my abah's =) hopefully their bakal menantu will be one of their special 'gift' in life, insyaAllah.....
in case u wondering & questioning how distracting to drink with butterfly...they're actually detachable! they're not glued to glasses, i've seen sample pic where they make small cut at butterfly body and sangkut je dekat gelas tu :) so the guests can write on their wishes while boring-ly waiting for pengantin to come. just make sure to prepare basic stuff like pen & box at each table...and not to forget, arrange someone to collect the notes when majlis end before the caterer trash them ;)
again, it's tentative & we too didnt hope much...
btw, yours truly is 26 today :) to fellow capricorn babies, happy birthday & may 2010 bring us more rezeki & happiness insyaAllah.