grabbed my sleek Samsung. finally. and these being snapped on impulse.
thought it would be good for today's entry. They're like bible for any bride; NOT necessarily a must but still a good one for reading or at least an eye pleasure. they get me excited on weddings, on and on without fail :)
...and they're from my last 9 mths' collection. stop judging as if im planning for wedding of the year, because honestly i am NOT. i'm just another typical bride - excited with the whole idea of celebrating the moment to be officially called as ONE with the other half. and similarly to you, im too expecting to find nice stuffs for my wedding without putting such a big BOMB to my wallet. ok. OUR wallet.
and these mag like a parade of DIY or even a cost-saving-copycat ideas ;) and ehem, magazines are TAX-DEDUCTIBLE item!

Specialist collection
my-twocents : only for serious interest. guideline in preserving, decorating wedding flowers - bride bouquet, flower girl's wreath, table centrepiece and all u name it. a very breath-taking.
Wedding Book, bought yesterday. again? *grin*
my-two-cents : just scanned through - featuring directory of Msia wedding related service providers, with some summary of their signature style/design. for rm19 price tag, boleh la.
if i could conclude, i love Malay or at least Malaysian wedding mag. they have lots for me to relate with, and of course those that your parents would agree with.
unlike western wedding mag, they featured lots of wedding gowns which is not to my interest at all. but honestly, westerners are good at choosing perfect theme/color in their wedding. those romantic-pastel looking really make me weak in my kneeees....